2020 you have taught us so much and for that we are grateful! No matter what this year brought, we were so grateful for the opportunity to bring beauty, comfort, and peace to your spaces!

To creatively collaborate, and to move through sadness, disappointments and challenges with you toward a happier and healthier future.

As a community of readers and clients, we realized that design can bring comfort and peace, reaching far beyond just the aesthetics of a home and into the psyche of those living in them and we are grateful we get to be a part of that.

We learned that time at home can be hard but also enriching.

Throughout it all, we persevered and held on tight to the hope that next year would look and feel different.

It wasn't the year we hoped for or would have ever imagined, but it showed us that we are stronger and better, together.

As this chapter comes to a close, we commit to releasing the previous year and to realize that we are more resilient than we ever imagined, more determined to realize our dreams, and MOST IMPORTANTLY more grateful than ever before.

For those who have lost, know that we are thinking of you! For those that are tired, and mentally and physically exhausted, know that we are thinking of you and you are not alone! For those that are lonely, know that we are thinking of you and that you are not alone!
To everyone - as much as we would love it if the world would instantly change along with the date on January 1st, there's a lot of healing that needs to be done. Know that we are there, right alongside you.
So with that, let's stand up, dust off 2020 and begin to heal and repair together, shall we?!
Cheers to 2021 and all the hope that it brings. From our family to yours, we wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!
